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SMART filmmaker, are you?

SMART filmmaking.

Be a SMART filmmaker.

In my Master Classes worldwide, I have always reiterated the point again & again.
What is being a SMART filmmaker like?

While the answer is more a practical approach rather than a theoretical one; the first suggestion is to think reverse!

Thinking reverse is nothing, but reversing the steps of film-making. Question yourself, once you have money to make a film.

How will I reach my audience.

How will I release the film. Will releasing my film in cinema-hall really benefit me.

Do I go for a wide release or segmented release.

Once you have answer to these questions, start developing ideas and the process.

If the article makes sense to you, you can attend a 1-week (5 days) workshop on SMART film-making.

Script to S C R E E N - go 360 might also be of interest to you.

Best wishes in your cinematic-endeavors.